Partner – Taiwan Office

Dumas SHIH

While serving as Senior Manager in Deloitte TTL more than 15 years, Dumas SHIH provided Audit, Tax, Consulting and Financial Advisory Service to public and private clients across multiple industries. Connected with the experience as Chief Financial Officer in the electronic industry for years, Dumas SHIH is managing a professional team with passion, collaborating with many dedicated professionals in Accounting, Legal and Patent under a structured mechanism to provide clients robust services in accordance with national or local laws, regulations, customary practice form value-added angles.

Asia Management Team

Aaron WANG

Partner & Head – Shanghai, Beijing & Guangzhou Offices


Partner & Head - Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City Offices

Takehisa TEI

Partner & Head of Japan – Japan Office

Yongmeng LIN

Partner & Head of Audit & Assurance - Singapore Office
