Partner – United Arab Emirates

Vijaya MOHAN

Mr. Vijaya Mohan is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), Emirates Association of Auditors and Accountants of UAE (EAAA), a Registered Auditor with the Ministry of Economy and a Registered Tax Agent with Federal Tax Authority, UAE. Vijay is graduated in Commerce from University of Keral, India. He is the Managing Partner and co-founder of Evas International, a leading Audit and Consulting firm in the UAE and India since 2014.

Prior to establishing Evas International, he worked with an international audit firm in Dubai for around 8 years in various leadership roles.

Vijay’s specialization and expertise are in the areas of IFRS, business strategy and taxation. He is a concurrent faculty for courses conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and a speaker at various seminars for finance professionals.

Asia Management Team

Aaron WANG

Partner & Head – Shanghai, Beijing & Guangzhou Offices


Partner & Head - Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City Offices

Takehisa TEI

Partner & Head of Japan – Japan Office

Yongmeng LIN

Partner & Head of Audit & Assurance - Singapore Office
